Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Paradise Revisited

This past weekend our little family made the trek once again to northern Louisiana to visit the magical land complete with trailer, slough, and all.  Our boy was thrilled that we finally made it back into that neck of the woods both to see his grandparents and run wild for a couple of days.  We did not take nearly as many photos as the first time we visited because we were caught up in the moment, and it's not always easy to tear away and grab your camera when you're having fun or, rather, watching your little doodle having fun.

Fall in Louisiana

Milt contemplated hopping in the boat with his Pop but thought better of it.

Uncle Dusty taught Milt some poor table manners; Uncle Dusty really doesn't care for the Milt too much.

Jeff and I ran a quick errand to town, and we returned to this.  Pop insists he did not even realize Milt crawled up there.

The land requires a good wash and brush for the Milt, followed by Daddy carrying him to avoid more muddy paws.

The main reason we visited the land this weekend was my wonderful husband, Jeff, was celebrating a birthday (not a golden one but momentous nonetheless), and he wanted to celebrate by hunting in seclusion.  I was not terribly thrilled with the idea, despite wanting to see my in-laws, since I just returned from my five-day California camping trip.  I have never been a "happy camper."  The land does have its perks, though, like antiquing for treasures and pie at the local watering hole, Lea's.  The tight sleeping quarters and limited ease of showering and toileting I can do without.

No red cake this time - tres leche (whole, condensed, and evaporated milk), instead!

The other main reason we trekked to the land was to capture Milton in the perfect Christmas photo.  Here is a little preview:

A droopy reindeer in the back of a pickup truck

Don't worry - this one was not the winner.  We did manage to coax a couple of tail wags out of the boy, and I am now excited to get our Christmas cards underway!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Super Dad!
    Can't wait to see the Christmas pictures!

    .....you said "slough"
