Monday, December 3, 2012

Puppy Photo of the Week

Milton and I recently made a grand discovery of a small local dog park only 1/2 mile walk, 10 minutes away from our apartment.  The "park" is actually a unique situation because it is a vacant corner lot that is owned by the house next door, and to prevent development, the home owners have generously allowed four-legged pals to run free there.  The park has a wonderful community feel as tennis balls, chairs, and water dishes are left outside, visitors drag the trash to the curb, and the apartment complex across the street allows dog owners to fill up water jugs at their outdoor spigot.  The park is low-key and convenient, especially on a weeknight after our goldendoodle has been home alone all day.

One frequent visitor of the dog park is this charming fellow below.  He is a massive Great Dane, who is speckled just like a Holstein cow.  Still a young pup, only 1.5 years old, he is a bundle of gangly, long limb energy.  Of course heads turn, our Milt's included, when a dog of such gigantic proportions enters the dog park.  Milton immediately seeks him out for a romping.

Action Shot

I thought our Milt was tall, but dogs can easily scurry under and around this "horse," and when he needs to use the bathroom, watch out!  It is either like a water fountain, or his owner is rushing to catch it with a plastic grocery bag because it is easier clean-up that way.  All and all, at the dog park, he is quite the character to watch.  The world of dog parks is a fascinating one, and I almost enjoy going as much as the Milt does! 

1 comment:

  1. LOL They never stopped moving, did they? So glad he has a special buddy to hang and play with!
