Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

As you might recall, I love the holidays!  Valentine's Day is one that I have always enjoyed, mainly because it is a silly lovey dovey holiday resplendent with chocolates and flowers.  Growing up, Valentine's Day would fall just before or during our winter vacation, and my family would always be somewhere hot, sunny, and tropical!  Our trips, and this holiday, hold fond memories in my heart.  Likewise, for years now my big sister, Heather, has mailed me a Valentine's Day box complete with holiday decorations, stickers, picture frames, towels, etc.  I always look forward to receiving that fun-filled box!  Here is our decorated home:

Welcome to our home!

Heart entry into the living room


Dining room spread

Cheer in every corner

Cutesy kitchen

So, what's not to like about Valentine's Day?  Jeff, however, does not appreciate the day.  He thinks it is a Hallmark Holiday intended to suck money out of him...!  Hence, we did not celebrate Valentine's Day on the actual date, but rather we celebrated "Heidi & Jeff Day" on Saturday.  This day was in fact similar to Valentine's because we exchanged cards and ate chocolates, but the difference is we stayed away from February 14th.  Oh no, we are too avant garde for that...  Ha!

Here are a few select photos from Heidi & Jeff Day:

Lobster main course

To every New Englander's dread, for our Valentine's Day tradition, I bought frozen lobsters rather than live!  Growing up in New York, this is just something that you never ever do.  Here in Dallas, though, lobsters are pricey, and I did not feel like driving to the far reaches of the city to get a good deal on a crustacean.  So, I fell for the two frozen lobsters (from Canada!) for $10 deal.  A good-sized lobster is about 1.5 lbs, and a 2 lb. lobster is even better.  These little guys rang in at probably a whopping .75 lbs...!  Despite serving a plethora of side dishes, we were still left with wanting more.  Next year I vow not to cheap out!

Beet cake

The beet cake, on the other hand, turned out spectacular!  Beets in a cake, you say?  Why, yes!  You roast two medium sized beets and then grate about a cup into the batter and two tablespoons into the frosting to give it that delightful pink tinge.  Believe me, though, that cake is heaped up on sugar, butter, and cream cheese.  If you want this to become part of your Valentine's Day tradition, like ours, check it out here:  Chocolate Beet Cake with Beet Cream Cheese Frosting

Of course, the Milt was a full part of the celebration!  Here he is looking fancy in his Valentine's Day bandanna gifted to him by his daycare.  His Momma bought him a tasty confectionery, shaped like a doggie doughnut, from our local Pet Supplies Plus.  Milt felt loved.


Licking away

Tearing it up

Taking a break
The Milt dog certainly enjoyed himself.

Licking those chompers

Eating and lounging

I do believe the Milt enjoyed his very first Valentine's Day!  He certainly is one lovable dood who loves and is loved by many!


  1. I too decorate more than celebrate....for every holiday! Are you getting ready for St. Paddy's Day? Milt will need a doggie shamrock cookie as it seems the Valentine's donut was a hit!


  2. That doggie donut had me salivating! I need to tell my mom to pick me up one of those. Wish Milt and I could be puppy pals...he sure is cute!
