Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Terrific Tuesday

Well, Milt found his favorite spot in the house which just so happens to not be my Mom's favorite spot for him in her house.

To mimic what my dad always used to say, "I'm a big guy."

If you hadn't already guessed, Milton on the furniture at Mom's house has been a major reoccurring theme.  Really, I suppose, I am to blame because I jammed my little car sky-high with stuff, and that stuff did not include any of Milton's dog beds, selfish, I know.  I did, however, bring an old fleece crate liner and blankets, but he has clearly snubbed his nose at that; our goldendoodle is a bit fussy.  Oh, bother.  The best part of all of this is watching my petite mother attempt to haul the big boy off the couch by gently grabbing his collar and stating, "Down, Milton, down" -- priceless, like that would ever work...

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