Monday, June 23, 2014

Marvelous Monday

Summer vacationing, especially with a lake and two acres within paws' reach, can be an awful lot of fun, but it does have its drawbacks, namely that it is rather challenging to find "sweet spots" -- those perfect places to nap -- around the house.  Milt has really had some difficulty with this adversity, and after almost two weeks here, I think he is finally beginning to sort it all out.  One sleeping spot was the below:

The coat closet

Surrounded by shoes is probably a bit too tempting for our goldendoodle despite his iron-willed self-control.  Since then, Milt has found a few more comfortable resting areas, but nothing really compares to his three beds at home in Dallas.  Comfort is a priority for Milt, so Mom and I have been doing our very best to make certain that he feels accommodated.  When a dog has two grown adults jumping through hoops, you know that you have got the puppy love bad.

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